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Stretcher Alternative by BRODA endorsed by 360 Quality Care + Transport Services

Updated: May 9, 2023

360's new Stretcher Alternative wheelchair by BRODA is part of the new Priority Medical Transport (PMT) concept recently rolled out with the launch of 360's new website. Brought to you by NO-LiftNEMT, this chair can be used for multiple levels of service and is one of the most comfortable chairs in the market! Imagine a comfy recliner; one where you can put your feet up, sit back and relax while being transported from one place to another.

BRODA began in 1981 as a small group of concerned individuals who had the radical idea that seating in healthcare needed to be more comfortable. BRODA continues to strive to use all the resources they have — their enterprise, platform, and their minds — to advocate for this type of change.

No-lift NEMT is a medical transport process designed to provide a safer, more dignified experience for the patient and caregiver. It's called No-lift NEMT because it eliminates two of the most dangerous steps in the transport process: lifting a patient from a bed to a wheelchair and lifting a wheelchair or gurney into a vehicle. Utilizing a fully-reclining, crash-tested wheelchair, a medical transfer board, vehicle securements, and a specific training protocol, No-lift NEMT can reduce risk, improve safety, and provide an alternative to stretchers for routine medical transport. When understood and implemented properly, No-lift NEMT creates a new standard for medical transport.

One of the reasons the 360 endorses the stretcher alternative is because it reduces slide risks. The chair has a built in Tilt-in-Space technology, along with a back recliner if needed. It has a foot rest that will hold both feet together and it's wide enough so a wedge can also be stored between the legs. Also, since patients who are being transferred by Hoyer Lift stand the chance of sliding, we are able to minimize those risks, preventing further health issues down the road.

The Stretcher Alternative proves to be an excellent way to transport hospice patients. Hospice patients are often weaker, having limited strength to hold their body weight in conventional wheelchairs. The Stretcher Alternative is a fantastic way to reduce discomfort, reduce slide risks, and they get to face forward in the vehicle making the trip more dignifying if it's perhaps their last one.


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